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February 20, 2014

On Sunday mornings we are taking a look at the life of Christ; His birth, His ministry, His death, resurrection and ascension to Heaven. I will try to post weekly notes from 
Sunday's sermon in case you were unable to attend.

          Sunday, February 16th            A Wedding in Cana                    John 2:1-11

How foolish I am!  I always thought this narrative was simply about a miracle, water changed to wine. Guess I never took the time to look at what John was saying.  I've heard a million (or at least quite a few) sermons about this wedding, but until I looked at it for myself I kept missing what the Lord wanted me to see.  Maybe that is a big enough lesson. 

There is so much symbolism in this account. It even begins with the first hint of a deeper meaning.
-   John 2:1 starts, “On the third day..." Remind you of anything?
-   There is meaning in the thirsty crowd at this wedding. Isn’t this a picture of the lost world today? They are tasting the world’s pleasures but finding no personal satisfaction, and any fulfillment they have eventually runs out.
-   What about the ceremonial stone jars that were used? Ceremonial jars used for a new purpose. Empty waterpots like the human heart, hard and empty until the message of Christ makes it new.
-   Jars that are filled with simple water, water for washing. But as the Bible states, water is an image of the Word of God. How are we saved? Ephesians 5:26 “…having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word.”
-  Look at what the servants did. All they had to do was fill the empty waterpots with water. Like you and I, servants of God, He uses us to fill the heart of the unbeliever with the Word. It’s not our job to save souls, but it is our job to give people the Word and let Christ perform the miracle of salvation.
-  And then the Messiah changes water to wine… law to grace, old covenant to new covenant, and sinners to saints.

I've heard it taught that this story is about a simple miracle AND it is about the endorsement of wine and alcohol, or the affirmation of marriage since Christ was in attendance and even a discussion of how Jesus treated His mother. Yes, all these things are in this passage, but I believe the message is in the final verse...

John 2:11 This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.

What were the results of this sign? Two things happened.
                 1.)   Jesus revealed his glory and 
                 2.)   His disciples put their faith in him.

I am sure the disciples did not fully understand the sign at the moment. But I wonder, if when Jesus held a cup of wine at the Last Supper and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you” (Luke 22:20), if any of them remembered the wedding in Cana where old covenant water became new covenant wine, where the jars that were used for ceremony were used for something new. The Lamb came to fulfill the Mosaic Law and exchange it for the law of grace. He would fulfill ceremonial cleansing with complete, spiritual, and eternal cleansing with his own blood on the cross.

And what a wonderful sign this is for us. We do not need animal sacrifices and ceremonial cleansing water because Jesus has poured out his blood as the final and perfect sacrifice for our sins. We have complete forgiveness and cleansing because we’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb. This is no trivial miracle to satisfy the thirst of partygoers but it is a clear magnificent message, which glorified the Son to all who had eyes to see.  

Don’t forget these signs, the symbols that are here. John is presenting his case to you: 
Just who is Jesus and why should I believe on Him?